Remote Developer Blog

Stay up to date with the latest technologies! Read and learn about the new trends, software development, remote working, and digital revolutions across the globe.

Widely Known Mistakes That Kill Website Performance

Widely Known Mistakes That Kill Website Performance

Setting up your website and managing its performance can be arduous and repetitive. It needs constant checking, updating, and strategic planning regularly. Otherwise, you might risk losing customers, ruining your branding, and destroying your business. And while you...

Ultimate Guide to Becoming A QA Tester in 2023

Ultimate Guide to Becoming A QA Tester in 2023

Quality tester is probably one of the most in-demand jobs in the tech industry. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, QA Analysts or Software tester jobs have a steady increase, having a 22% upsurge from 2020 to 2023. And this statistic is justifiable...

What is Database Management System, and Why Do You Need It?

What is Database Management System, and Why Do You Need It?

As said by British Mathematician Clive Humby, data is the new oil. In this digital economy, data is one of the most valuable resources available to humanity. It can run and power both small and big companies to succeed. However, like oil, data that is raw and...

Understanding the Crucial Roles of Remote Project Manager

Understanding the Crucial Roles of Remote Project Manager

We often juggle tasks, clients, and projects in today's competitive and fast-paced corporate world. Usually, employees have no idea how to prioritize their energy and focus, which eventually results in burnout and resignation. This is why project manager roles are...

Top 10 Kanban Software for Your Team

Top 10 Kanban Software for Your Team

In today's business environment, where an organization needs to be agile, flexible, and adaptable, work management and structure need to be precise. Company structure and process must be detailed with clear objectives and information. Many companies, especially IT,...

10 Best UI/UX Tools for Designers in 2023

10 Best UI/UX Tools for Designers in 2023

Getting started with UI and UX design is one of the most challenging and arduous steps in development and design. It has a huge learning curve for people without any design or coding background. You need to have the creativity of a sound designer and the functional...

How to Boost Your Revenue With These Top Web Design Practices

How to Boost Your Revenue With These Top Web Design Practices

Developing and designing a website can be an extremely effective way to increase a company's revenue. When it comes to improving web design, there are three main factors that businesses should focus on in order to maximise their earnings: the layout of the website,...

Essential Reminders for a Successful Remote Work Environment

Essential Reminders for a Successful Remote Work Environment

Remote work has been increasing in popularity for a number of reasons, but the COVID-19 pandemic has given it a new boost. With so many people staying home to avoid getting sick, remote work is a great way to keep people connected and working while still protecting...

Top Paying Remote Jobs You Should Consider in 2023

Top Paying Remote Jobs You Should Consider in 2023

Remote jobs are becoming increasingly popular and for good reason. They offer flexibility, independence, and the potential to make a great income. What's not to like? According to a recent study, more people prefer working remotely than in an office. The study found...

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